Monthly Archives: July 2017


Bluetooth Low Energy in Background Mode on iOS

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) has been available since the iPhone 4S and iPod 5th Gen. BLE is a subset of the Bluetooth specification part 4.0. It's not a quick read. On iOS devices, BLE is programmed via the CoreBluetooth module which is pretty expansive too. Coupled with that, the latest radio sub-systems multiplex the antenna

By | July 17th, 2017|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Bluetooth Low Energy in Background Mode on iOS

AWS RDS Database Migration

RDS is a powerful relational database running on the AWS platform. RDS makes it easy to scale and manage database engines whilst maintaining high availability. Using the AWS console, it's possible to complete complex administration tasks including automatic backup and automatic failover. RDS fully supports MySQL databases and it's therefore not surprising that Winchester Innovation have

By | July 17th, 2017|Server side development, Technology consultancy|Comments Off on AWS RDS Database Migration