Technology consultancy

/Technology consultancy

Friends and Family Test app at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust

Salisbury Foundation Trust issued this press release announcing the new Friends and Family Test app we are piloting with them. With real time results of the FFT available on a staff facing dashboard. As well as feedback, the app provides a point of reference for information, news, maps and contacts. Patients, visitors and staff are finding

By | October 30th, 2013|Technology consultancy|Comments Off on Friends and Family Test app at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust

Bluetooth Smartphone Apps BLE in iOS

Since iPhone 4S, iPad3 and iPod 5th Generation, iOS devices have shipped with Bluetooth Low energy (also called Bluetooth Smart or Bluetooth 4.0). This is supported from iOS 5 by the CoreBluetooth framework. Support for BLE has quickly created an eco system of BLE tracker ‘keyfob’ devices and associated Bluetooth smartphone apps. Examples are HipKey,

By | September 9th, 2013|Technology consultancy|Comments Off on Bluetooth Smartphone Apps BLE in iOS

A new software developer joins us

A new software developer joins us Fresh out of the company (Entropic) that was bought by the company (Trident Tech) that was spun out of the company (NXP) that was spun out of Philips Southampton is Brian Griffiths. Brian has many years of experience in software and app development for mobile, desktop, set top box

By | August 27th, 2013|Technology consultancy|Comments Off on A new software developer joins us