We have been rather busy over the last 6 months since posting on here. So, some highlights.

Android version of anyTide released. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noc.anytide

An update to the iOS version is imminent.

We created the base-station software for Spill Consult’s new OWLS (Oeverhead Wireless Lookout System) aerial pollution monitoring system. Microsoft Media Foundation framework on Windows 7. Lots of tricky real time digital video processing to implement. http://www.spillconsult.com/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2014/05/Hawk-Owl-Brochure-Compressed.pdf

Ongoing updates to the PotentiaLife learning management system + iOS and Android personal activity monitoring apps.

Updates to the Intelli-Tork app for monitoring of helical screw pile foundation drivers.

Several other projects which we cannot yet go public on, but in the areas of industrial control and monitoring in infrastructure, transport and healthcare.